Accueil / Nouvelles récentes / Jigsaw Casting is seeking Individuals with Visible Disabilities, from all backgrounds, for a Project Unfollow Bias Campaign in Toronto! (Article en anglais)

Jigsaw Casting is seeking Individuals with Visible Disabilities, from all backgrounds, for a Project Unfollow Bias Campaign in Toronto! (Article en anglais)

Production and talent will follow all COVID SAFETY ON SET PROTOCOL, see more details here:

Please note: All talent must feel comfortable to take a COVID PCR test prior to our shoot and on every shoot day after that when you check in to set. This is the nasal tickling test. It is mandatory for all talent and crew.

Project Unfollow Bias is a chaptered approach to tackle different segments of unconscious bias – Race, Gender, Age, Sexual Orientation, and Disability. While the people experiencing bias are different, the results of it are often similar. Feelings of judgment, frustration, alienation, and overall ‘otherness’ prevail. We will be creating a dynamic film, constantly circling around different people speaking about the bias they encounter.

Looking for the following roles in various scripts:

1. ‘Chris’ – Black Male, age 40s to mid 50s. LGBTQIA+. (Potential Scripts: Launch, Age, Race, LGBTQIA)

2. ‘Anna’ – Female, age 20s. Higher-pitched voice. (Potential Scripts: Launch, Gender, Disability) Must feel comfortable to be portrayed as someone who has neurodiversity or chronic illness.

3. ‘Carlos’ – LGBTQIA+ Male, age 40s. Preferably LatinX. (Potential Scripts: Launch, Race, LGBTQIA+, Age, Disability)

4. ‘Camilla’ – Transgender woman (AMAB), late 20s to 40s. (Potential Scripts: Launch, LGBTQIA+, Gender)

5. ‘Kim’ – Black Female, 30s (Potential Scripts: Launch, Race, Gender)

6. ‘Luisa’ – Female, 20s. Interracial heritage of black and latinX is preferred. (Potential Scripts: Launch, Race)

7. ‘Xian’ – LGBTQIA+ Asian female, 20s-30s (Potential Scripts: Launch, Race, LGBTQIA+)

8. ‘Sarvi’ – Woman who wears a hijab. Malay or South Asian is preferred but please do not limit. (Potential Scripts: Launch, Race, Gender)

9. ‘Alan’ – Asian male, 20s-40s. Deaf or have partial hearing loss, will be wearing hearing aid, unless they have their own. (Potential Script: Disability)

10. ‘Eric’ – Man, 50s, can look 60s (Potential Scripts: Launch, Age)

11. ‘Dom’ – Young, LGBTQIA+ preferably Indigenous. Must feel comfortable to portray as someone who has autism or ADD/ADHD. (Potential Scripts: Launch, LGBTQIA+, Disability)

12. ‘Dev’ – South Asian Man, 20s to 30s. Portraying character with a neurodiversity of ADD, ADHA, ASD, anxiety or Bipolar disorder. Preferred if talent is diagnosed as such (Potential Scripts: Launch, Race, Disability)

13. ‘Fab’ – LatinX woman, 30s. Portraying character with invisible disability, ie. chronic illness or depression (Potential Scripts: Launch, Race, Disability)

14. ‘Angie’ – 20s to 30s. Must know ASL. Personal experience or close connection with hearing loss is preferred (Potential Scripts: Launch)

15. ‘Bonnie’ – East Asian or South Asian woman, 30s (Potential Script: Race)

16. ‘Oliver’ – Black Male, 20s. Dreads or short braids preferred (Potential Script: Race)

17. ‘Caroline’ – Woman, later 30s to early 40s, but should look on the younger side (Potential Scripts: Gender, Age)

18. ‘Taylor’ – Mid/late 20s to early 40s, non-binary (Potential Script: LGBTQIA+)

19. ‘Michelle’ – Late 30s, early 40s, LGBTQIA+ (Potential Script: LGBTQIA+)

20. ‘Derrick’ – Black transgender man (AFAB). Late 20s to early 40s (Potential Script: LGBTQIA+)

21. ‘Samantha’ – Woman in wheelchair or walking aid. 20s to 40s (Potential Scripts: Launch, Disability)

22. ‘Carly’ – Woman with grey hair. 40s – 50s. Doesn’t have to be full grey. Should be natural (Potential Script: Age)


PAY is as follows if selected:

Wardrobe Fitting – $75.00

Session – $600.00 for 10/hr day, $100.00/hr OT

Buyout – $1,500.00 1 Year Online

*Buyout is based on Survival of the Edit and includes all lifts

edits, versions.*

Potential Different Campaign Buyouts:

1600 for 6 spots

1500 for 5

1400 for 4

1300 for 3

1200 for 2

1100 for 1

Plus Session Fees

This is a non-union project. No previous acting experience is required.

If interested, please apply with a self-tape to:

Self-tape instructions (please keep it short under 3 mins and you can use your cell phone for filming):

1. Please introduce yourself.

2. Tell us your personal experience of feeling the bias you have encountered on social media or in your life?

3. Say one line from this script:

*Please note, if you are applying for the ASL role, please do your self-tape in ASL.

To be considered for this campaign. You must be available for the following dates:


Recall – September 2nd and or 3rd (TBD if zoom or in-person)

Wardrobe – September 8th

Rehearsal – September 10th (TBD)

Shoot – September 3rd – 6th, September 10th, 11th-13th, 15th-18th (Talent Day(s) TBD)